The Glory of Empress Xiao

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Reflection: Day 3

I'm not feeling well at all today. I could barely get out of my bed this morning. I have NO idea what kind of things are going on inside of me, but I tried not to let that interfere with my research for History later on today. I made sure that I could find some different links and some pictures. It's a shame that I could not come to school today. My partner and I could have gotten a head start on the prezi we were supposed to make. Anyhow, I barely have time here right now because I have so many more things to do and I need to prepare my work for tomorrow. I hopefully should be able to gain more success this weekend and bringing everything together and making sure that all is organized. This is all I have for now.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you feel better now! And this is more of a comment for your last post, but I clicked this one.
    Anyway, the pictures that come from the time are quite horrifying, and I'm right there with you. I've been looking at quite horrifying images and videos myself, as I am researching the experiments done during WWII and the Holocaust. The pictures are horrifying and nightmare inducing, but it just goes to show the human cruelty during this time.
    I hope you are able to continue your research and finish your project!
